It is number 1 in root growth and branching


IBA 2%


Laife INDOLE is a mixture of a group of specialized plant growth regulators that give the plant strong roots, as it works on increasing the thickness and length of the roots and increasing the size of the root hairs. It also gives strong stems and leaves, and thus works clearly to increase the vegetative growth and thus increase the yield.

Characteristics and advantages:

  • It contains a widely use plant growth regulators which are absorbed either through leaves or phloem or roots.
  • It works to stimulate the growth of roots and increase their spread in the soil.
  • It helps in the formation of strong root system capable of resisting pathological infections.
  • It works on spreading and increasing the size of vegetative growth, which increases the absorption surface of the elements.
  • It increases root depth which helps in coping with stress conditions such as salinity and drought in desert lands.

Mixability: Able to be mixed with all soil fertilizers.

Recommendations and rates of use:

Crop Application rate Notes
Fruit trees 100 – 200 g / Acre Injection with different irrigation systems
Vegetable crops 100 – 150 g / Acre Injection with different irrigation systems
Field crops 100 – 150 g / Acre Injection with different irrigation systems

 Important note:

It is not recommended to increase the rates to avoid the opposite results.