Enhance flowering and fruit setting.


Naphthoxyacetic acid 1.5%
Naphthaleneacetamide 1.25%
Naphthalene acetic acid 0.5%



Fix is a balanced mixture of three growth regulators (Auxins) with a physiological effect in stimulating the growth of plants and pushing them to flowering, increasing the percentage of fruit set and improving the quality of fruits, resistance to environmental conditions such as stress and frost.

Usage and method of influence:

Fix is used as a spray on plants in three stages:

  • With the beginning of vegetative growth.
  • With the beginning of flowering to push the plants to flowering and fruit set.
  • When the flower petals fall and the beginning of the formation of fruits.

General notes on use:

  • All parts of the plant should be well covered with the spray solution.
  • Fix should not be sprayed at high temperatures.
  • Fix should not be sprayed on plants that suffer from thirst or a lack of nutrients.
  • Not to exceed the prescribed percentages and rates of use.

►Mixability :

  • It accepts mixing with insecticides, fungicides, and foliar fertilizers (it is preferable to conduct a mixing experiment before use).
  • It is not recommended to mix it with other growth regulators or copper compounds.

Recommendations and rates of use:

Crop Usage rate per 100 L water Usage time
Vegetable crops


* Stimulating vegetative growth


* Increase fruit set



50 g


60 g


*One treatment when plants are in 2-3 leaf stage

In the case of transplants, they are sprayed 8-10 days after transplantation

* Use 2-3 treatments, the first with the beginning of flowering, and repeat spraying every 10 days.

Fruit trees

(apple – pear)

To increase the fruit set




60 g



*The first: two weeks before flowering.

*Second: before the flower petals fall, provided that the period between each treatment is not less than 10-12 days.


to reduce the phenomenon of natural falling of fruits


60 g



21 days before collection.

Fruit trees

(citrus – peach – apricot – plum)


60 g

The first: with the onset of flowering

The second: before the fall of the flower petals


(to reduce the phenomenon of inflorescence conglomerate)


60 g



The first: with the beginning of inflorescences ‘ emergence.

The second: 10 days after the first treatment.

Field crops

(Broad beans) to increase the fruit set


60 g



The first: with the onset of flowering.

The second: 10 days after the first treatment.


(frost resistance and increase fruit set)


60 g


The first: with the onset of flowering

The second: 10 days after the first treatment

Important note: In the case of knapsack spraying, 120 g / 200 L water is used