Macovit DRW

Macovit is a plant growth regulator found naturally in the plant, which increase cell division, differentiation, and growth. It also enhances plant growth and development and also works to increase the size of fruits, as well as increase vegetative growth and branching.


Kinetin 0.4%



Properties and Advantages of Macovit DRW

  • A compound that is safe to use on guava trees to improve flowering, fruit set and increase the size of guava fruits.
  • It works to increase the resistance of vegetable plants, especially tomatoes, to withstand viral infections, as it activates the plant to increase branching, flowering and fruit set and complete its life cycle despite the viral infection.
  • It stimulates cell division and development and increases the size of fruits, thus increasing crop
  • It improves fruit setting and is used for this purpose in many fruit trees, the most important of which is guava. It is also used in vegetable crops ((cucurbits; cucumbers – watermelon…) – tomatoes – peppers – potatoes – strawberries).
  • It works to maintain the protein from breakdown, but rather increases the rate of its construction, which works to delay plant senescence.
  • It reduces the respiration rate in leafy crops to increase their storage life and preserves chlorophyll in the leaves. Therefore, it is used on leafy crops, which makes them green for the longest possible period.



It can be mixed with many fertilizers and pesticides, except alkaline ones, as well as copper compounds, and it is advisable to conduct a mixing experiment before use.


Recommendations & Application rates:

Macovit is used for foliar spraying on the following:

Crop Method of application Application rate
Guava T1: At 50% of flowering.

T2: At the beginning of fruit set.

T1: 35-50 cm3/100 L

T2: 35-50 cm3/100 L


(cucumber – watermelon)

T1: At the beginning of flowering.

T2: After 10-14 days from T1.

T1: 35-50 cm3/100 L

T2: 35-50 cm3/100 L

Potatoes T1: At the beginning of tuber formation.

T2: After 14-21 days from T1.

T1: 35-50 cm3/100 L

T2: 35-50 cm3/100 L

Strawberry T1: At the beginning of flowering. T2: After 10-14 days from T1.

T3: After 10-14 days from T2.

T1: 35-50 cm3/100 L T2: 35-50 cm3/100 L

T3: 35-50 cm3/100 L

Tomatoes – Peppers T1: At the beginning of flowering. T2: After 10-14 days from T1.

In case of virus infection used with the same rates.

T1: 35-50 cm3/100 L T2: 35-50 cm3/100 L

T1: first treatment     T2: second treatment T3: third treatment