Is new concept and form liquid Gibberellic.


Gibberellic Acid 10 %

(50 cm3 bottle = 5 g Gibberellic Acid)



ALTO is a fast-absorbing liquid gibberellic acid that gives quick and effective results. It is used to stimulate fruit set, increase their size, improve their characteristics, and prolong their storage period on trees, in addition to accelerating vegetative growth and encouraging flowering, fruiting, and early set.

ALTO: Each 50 cm bottle contains 5 grams of gibberellic, which is equivalent to 5 gibberellic tablets of 10%, weighing 10 grams.

Characteristics and advantages of the compound:

  • Gibberellic acid is rapidly absorbed and manufactured with a unique technology that gives quick and effective results.
  • It works to increase the elongation of the cells, thus increasing the size of the fruits, prolonging their storage period on the plant, and improving their characteristics.
  • It works to increase the percentage of fruit set by encouraging flowering, fruiting, and early fruit set
  • Gibberellic works to elongate vegetative growths and floral clusters.

Mixability: It can be mixed with many pesticides and fertilizers, except for the alkaline ones. It is recommended to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Recommendations and rates of use:

Crop Usage rates
Apple – Pear 10 cm / 100 L water
Citrus 10 – 20 cm / 100 L water
Tomatoes 10 cm / 100 L water
Mango 10 cm / 100 L water
strawberry 10 cm / 100 L water
Artichoke 20 – 30 cm / 100 L water