The best for correcting and treating symptoms of copper

and sulfur deficiency in plants and preventing fungal and bacterial diseases


Copper (metallic) 5.2  %
Sulfur (metallic) 2.4 %





COPREX is a distinct product of sulfur and copper in a liquid form which is manufactured by a new Spanish technology depending on decreasing the active ingredient percentage (compared to other copper compounds in which copper percentage reaches 50%) so it is safe to be used in high temperatures and it can penetrate into treated plants within a short period after spraying.

COPREX is a systemic transitional compound that achieves for plants a rapid utilization from the product with high efficiency to treat copper and sulfur deficiency as it works as preventive and curative with high efficiency on a broad spectrum for fungal and bacterial diseases.

Product Specifications:

  • It is a copper product which has a preventive and curative effect on different growth stages of pathogenic fungi and has an extended effect on many fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • It achieves for the plant a rapid utilization from the product with high efficiency to treat copper and sulfur deficiency, and affects a broad spectrum of important fungal diseases and eliminates fungi species that have acquired resistance.
  • It is used on many field crops, vegetables and fruits and it is compatible with integrated pest management programs (IPM).
  • It is absorbed inside the plant and is not affected after spraying on the crop by external factors (such as heat, light and rainfall), thereby achieving high eradication efficiency and long-term protection for all plant parts.
  • It is used with low doses from the active ingredient and is therefore safe on living organisms, the environment and vital enemies and saves costs for farms, it is the optimal solution at the right time and it has low toxicity according to WHO classification.
  • Copper works on encouraging the formation of lignin layer in cell wall which gives the plant elasticity and the lignin works with rigid pectate to make an impenetrable wall against the penetration of various pathogens.
  • Sulfur enters into the synthesis of proteins and some of sulfur-containing amino acids such as cysteine, cystine and methionine, as well as sulfur has an important role in respiration processes and metabolism of fatty acids and is necessary for chlorophyll formation.


Process of influence:

  • Has a side effect on fungi, as copper ions inhibit the germination of spores as soon as they come into contact with them without affecting the host cells, and copper ions dissolved in spray solutions are also considered to inhibit fungal and bacterial growth and thus treat existing injuries.
  • It works through its transitional systemic action by preventing the occurrence of fungal injuries through instant inhibition of the occurrence of various infection stages and elimination of the fungus at various stages of its growth and development, on and inside the surface of the treated leaf.


It cannot be mixed with other foliar fertilizers especially which contains phosphorus or alkaline products and cannot be mixed with most of insecticides and fungicides especially the phosphorus one.

Application rates:

Crop Diseases Treatments


Fruit trees –

Vegetables –

Field crops

For prevention or curative of copper and sulfur deficiency and some important diseases on different crops Spraying on the vegetative growth

150 – 200 cm / 100 L water.


400 – 750 cm / acre (400 L water).


For prevention or curative of root rot

Injection with drip irrigation network in the last half hour 1 L / acre.


For flood irrigation 2 L / acre.