New concept for gibberellic in improving

fruit setting and quality 3×1.


Gibberellic 10 %
Calcium 7.8%
Boron 2%



TRAK MIX is one of the new concepts of gibberellic acid. It contains gibberellic acid in addition to calcium and boron, which increases the efficiency of gibberellic action during the different stages of plant life, as this unique composition improves and increases the processes of fruit set in vegetable crops and fruit trees, and is also used in sizing operations to increase the size of fruits with the preservation of the rigidity of the cell walls.

TRAK MIX: each bag weighing 10 g contains 1 g of gibberellic in addition to other proportions of calcium and boron.

Characteristics and features of TRAK MIX:

  • The compound contains calcium and boron in balanced form that increases the fertility and vitality of pollen grains and the success of the pollination process.
  • Gibberellic works to elongate seedling and floral clusters, and therefore the calcium is necessary to maintain the rigidity of these cells, and therefore the presence of boron is necessary for the rapid transport of nutrients.
  • Improves pollination processes, increases pollen vitality, speed of completion of fruit set process, and increases the size of fruits as well.

Mixability: It is preferable not to mix and it is recommended to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Recommendations and usage rates:

Crop Dosage rate
Apple-Pears 1 sachet / 100 L water
Citrus 1 -2 sachets / 100 L water
Grapes 1 -3 sachets / 100 L water
Tomatoes 1 sachet / 100 L water
Mango 1 sachet / 100 L water
Strawberry 1 sachet / 100 L water
Artichoke 2-3 sachets / 100 L water