Best solution for plant nutrition ,

correction and treatment of symptoms of Calcium deficiency in plants


Calcium (CaO) 15 %
Nitrogen (N) 8.7 %
Seaweed extracts  + Biostimulants




AGROCEAN LAMINACAL is a natural growth stimulator that stimulates the growth of fruits with improved quality and firmness. It contains biostimulants and pure seaweed extracts which are obtained by cold extraction method, which is considered a good way to preserve the active ingredients without changing their nature which ensures their availability and good effect on the plant.

The effect of AGROCEAN LAMINACAL as a natural growth stimulator with high-quality nutrients (calcium and nitrogen) leads to an increase in the quantity and quality of yield, and an increase in storage period as a result of improved rigidity. Also, it prevents and treats calcium deficiency symptoms and overcomes different environmental stress conditions.

Characteristics and features:

  • It decreases stress in plants through stimulating plant genes which are responsible for resisting stress, it is sprayed before stress occurrence to overcome problems resulting from stress.


  • It stimulates the activity of plant genes responsible for hormone secretion as auxins and cytokinins thus the plant secretes these hormones in a natural way, which increases flowering, fruit set, increased cell divisions, increased size and firmness of fruits.


  • It increases antioxidants which help in overcoming stress.


  • It is a fertilizer rich in calcium, which is one of the necessary elements for plant growth and is needed by the plant during the stages of flower formation, fruit set and fruit growth, therefore has an important role in increasing the firmness of internal tissues and the firmness of fruits, which helps to improve the specifications of fruits, tubers and bulbs and raise their storage capacity after harvest.


  • It has a major role in the formation of cell walls and treats calcium deficiency as it is an immobile element that does not move easily, which affects the processes of division, elongation of cells and the growth of apical meristems, so it works to activate meristematic tissues in the growing points as it is necessary for cells elongation and cells division.


  • It affects the movement of carbohydrates in plant which helps in building plant proteins and helps in the activity of many important enzymes inside the plant.


  • It treats calcium deficiency symptoms as it is used for the prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency in all field crops, vegetables and fruit trees which prevents the appearance of many physiological diseases as a result of calcium deficiency.


It can be mixed with commonly used fertilizers and pesticides. Not to be mixed with mineral oils, compounds containing phosphorus, copper, sulfur and base compounds.

It is advisable to do a small experiment before mixing

Application rates:

It is sprayed on:

Crop Application rate
Fruits trees


100 – 150 cm / 100 L water
Vegetable crops


500 cm / acre
Field crops – cereals 500 cm / acre