:Active ingredients

Azoxystrobin 80% WG


Pesticide Classification: Fungicide

Trade name: Conform 80% WG

Chemical group: Methoxyacrylate, as a member of Strobilurin


Conform efficacy:

Preventive, curative and eradicative fungicide, inhibits spores germination of and the growth of mycelium, and also has antisporulant activity, which makes it an effective eradicative in case of disease epidemics.

Systemic action inside the plant:

Conform is a systemic fungicide, which is transmitted between the upper surface and the lower surface of the leaves

Mode of action

Inhibition of respiration inside the mitochondria in fungi cells by blocking electron transfer between cytochrome b and cytochrome c sites, which is an important distinctive site for oxidation, which distinguishes it by controlling strains of fungi resistant to pesticides that inhibit the demethylation enzyme, such as pesticides belonging to phenylamide groups, dicarboxy amide group and benzimidazole group.

Fungal diseases controlled by Conform:

Conform is a broad-spectrum fungicide effective against downy mildew, spotting, anthracnose, powdery mildew, rust, blight, fruit rot, diseases caused by infection with rhizoctonia fungus on cucurbit crops, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, citrus, grasses, peanuts, and  lawns.

Diseases that are controlled by Conform: according to the recommendations of the pesticides committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and land reclamation with registration number 3571

Crop Disease Application rate
Cucumber Downy mildew 60 g / acre

General recommendations:

A broad-spectrum fungicide against fungal diseases

Crop Disease Application rate
Grapes Downy mildew – Powdery mildew – fruit rot 15 g / 100 L water
Mango Powdery mildew – Flower blight (Anthracnose) – Dieback 15 g / 100 L water
Apples Powdery mildew – Apple Scab 15 g / 100 L water
Peach – Apricot –Plum Powdery mildew – Brown rot – Rusts – Shot-hole disease 15 g / 100 L water
Citrus Navel rot – Dieback 15 g / 100 L water
Cucurbits Downy mildew – Powdery mildew 60 g / acre
Onion – Garlic Downy mildew – Purple blotch 60 – 90 g / acre
Strawberry Powdery mildew – Leaf spots – Fruits rot 60 – 90 g / acre
Broad bean Brown spots – Rusts 60 g / acre
Tomato – Pepper – Eggplant Early blight – Late blight – Powdery mildew 60 – 120 g / acre


PHI: 7 days.

Maximum residue limits of Conform in Cucumber (MRL): 1 mg / Kg per cucumber fruits.

Application method: Used as spray on the vegetative system.

Conform advantages:

A stable compound that does not hydrolyze when acidity ( pH 5 – 7) at room temperature 25°C, stable for more than 14 days when it exposed to temperature of 54°C, and it hydrolyzes to half of its concentration in solutions exposed to oxidation by light after two weeks.


Cannot be mixed with highly alkaline or highly acidic solutions