A powerful biocide effective against all types of harmful nematodes

:Active ingredient

Naphthalene acetic acid 0.05%
In addition to ( Neem oil + indole butyric acid + cinnamon extract + Seaweed extract + free amino acids + EDTA Zn + EDTA Mn)


The best solution to eliminate Nematodes.


Naphthalene acetic acid 0.05%
In addition to ( Neem oil + indole butyric acid + cinnamon extract + Seaweed extract + free amino acids + EDTA Zn + EDTA Mn)


Nematide is an organic natural compound consisting of extracts of vegetable oils and seaweed, in addition to the presence of root-activating auxins.


It is effective against all types of harmful nematodes like (Meloidogyne & Heterodera & Pratylenchus & Ditylenchus & Helicotylenchus & Radopholus Sp.)

Mode of action:

Nematide is an organic natural product composed of vegetable oils extract, which work as the follows:

  • The lethal effect by contact with the nematode works on rupturing the cell wall of the nematode’s body, which leads to its death.
  • Anti-feeding effect due to the presence of the active ingredient in the soil and inside and around the roots in an inedible form for the nematode, making it stops feeding on the roots and then dies.
  • Hormonal effect: an imbalance of growth hormone occurs and the process of molting of larvae stops.
  • Influence on the life cycle of nematodes: by penetrating the compound into the egg sacs and causing eggs

 Nematide Advantages and Properties:

  • Nematide is a unique combination of multiple natural oils that work by contact to eliminate all phases of nematodes (eggs – larvae – complete phases) through a drip irrigation system (or any systems of irrigation).
  • It activates the root system to form new root hairs, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of the root in absorbing water and mineral elements from the soil, as the treatment does not lead to any stress for plants, and leads to rapid growth due to the biostimulants effect of seaweed extract and auxins.
  • It has contact and repellent actions on nematodes, and a systemic action on the nematode population.
  • It can be applied at any stage of plant growth, even during harvesting and picking, as it does not have any safety periods before harvesting and picking, PHI =zero

Recommendations and application rates: 

  • It can be used for all agricultural crops: vegetables (at green houses or open field) and fruit trees.
  • It can be used at a rate of 2 L / acre by injection with irrigation water (the application rate depends on the intensity of injury and application method).
  • It can be added to the irrigation system at the end of the last quarter of an hour (after wetting the soil as much as possible before treatment by increasing the irrigation rates and then watering for another 10 minutes, so that the compound remains in the upper part of the soil at a depth of about 15 cm in order to have the greatest degree of effectiveness and stops irrigation for 3 – 4 days after treatment to ensure the effectiveness of the compound.

PHI: (zero days)