
Calcium (CaO)

    14.5 % ( metallic complexed) sourced from calcium chloride

                        calcium acetate calcium fulvate



It is an organic fertilizer rich in calcium complexed on carboxylic acids, which works to protect the plant, treat and remove the harmful effect of saline soils, especially the toxic effect of sodium, it also improves the mechanical absorption of elements, increase the plant’s tolerance to salt stress and compensate for the lack of calcium element on the plant.

Characteristics and features of the compound:

1- A compound specially prepared to encourage and improve plant growth under conditions of salt stress of water and soil in an effective way.

2- Rich in calcium complexed on organic acids to treat and correct the symptoms of calcium deficiency with high efficiency.

3- It improves the physical properties of the soil (improving the texture and structure of the soil to retain water and elements, improving soil aeration and drainage) due to its high content of organic acids.

4- It improves the chemical properties of the soil, as it increases the exchange capacity of the elements.

5- It improves the biological properties of the soil, as it works to increase the activity of microorganisms, which increases the facilitation of nutrients and increase the spread of the root system.

6- Reduces the lack of elements in Saline and alkaline soils.

7- Easy to use as it can be used during different irrigation systems and during different plant growth stages.


It cannot be mixed with copper compounds, mineral oils, phosphate compounds and sulfur compounds, and it is recommended to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Recommendations and usage rates:

The crop

Application time

The rate of use with irrigation water according to the degree of salinity

Vegetable crops (potatoes – tomatoes – strawberries – green beans….Etc.)

During the season

2 – 4 L / acre

Fruit trees (citrus – apples – grapes ……Etc.)

During the season

2 – 4 L / acre


During the season

2 – 5 L / acre

Field crops

During the season

2 – 4 L / acre