Chemical composition:
Fe-EDDHA 6% (Ortho – Ortho 5.2%)


Chemical composition:


Ferro Pro (EDDHA) 6% is a rapidly soluble granule in water and is considered the most stable in the soil as it contains the highest percentage of chelated iron EDDHA in the form of Ortho-Ortho up to 5.2% of the total chelated iron 6%. It also has a very high biological effectiveness as it provides iron in a wide range of pH ranging from pH = 3 for acidic lands to pH = 11 for alkaline and calcareous lands.


  • Appearance: micro granules, dark brown in
  • Chelated iron content: 6% iron, including 2% in Ortho-Ortho form.
  • Chelated material: EDDHA

Properties and features:

  • Fero Pro is 100 % water
  • Fero Pro is characterized by a high percentage of chelated iron in the form of Ortho-Ortho, as this higher form is biologically effective because it is the most stable due to the binding of iron with 6 bonds, which increases the ability of the element iron to resist the factors of its deposition in the soil. 3- Fero Pro iron is a completely chelated iron on EDDHA, which makes the Iron element stable in the soil in a wide range of pH ranging from (3 – 11) and thus increases the plant’s ability to absorb iron and facilitate it for a long time in the soil.
  • Fero Pro is very important for the plant as it provides it with the necessary iron element in the formation of chlorophyll, as iron is a necessary component of many enzymes, especially respiratory
  • Fero Pro’s advanced chemical composition makes it the best to deliver the maximum chelated iron


Fero Pro can be added alone or mixed with other fertilizers in a way that suit all types of modern cultivation.

Recommendations and usage rates:


Crop Ground Dose Notes
Vegetables and tuber crops 500 g – 1 kg / acre Using center-pivot irrigation or

drip irrigation.


Field crops 500 g – 1 kg / acre Using center-pivot irrigation or drip irrigation or by furrow method depending on the type of


Evergreen fruit trees (Citrus)


A- Small trees


B- Fruitful trees



500 g – 1 kg / acre 500 g – 1 kg / acre

Using drip irrigation, if possible, depending on the planting density, and added at the beginning of the growth cycle in the spring and it is preferred to be repeated with each growth cycle.
Deciduous fruit trees (Grapes – stone fruits) 500 g – 1 kg / acre Using drip irrigation, if possible with the beginning of growing


Ornamental plants and


50 g / 10 m2 Spray on leaves.
Nurseries 0.5 – 1 g / L of water Watering of seedlings.