Preventive, curative and eradicative fungicide to eliminate
a wide range of fungal diseases
Active ingredients:
Tebuconazole 25.9% EC


Pesticide Classification: Fungicide

Chemical group: Triazole

Chemical structure:

Mode of action:

Inhibition of the synthesis of the necessary ergosterol for the formation of the cell membrane of fungi

Systemic action inside the plant:

Systemic pesticide, rapidly absorbed through the vegetative growth, moving inside the plant upwards with the movement of water through the xylem

Pesticide efficacy:

Preventive, curative, eradicative pesticide, a broad spectrum fungicide against fungal diseases such as early blight, spotting diseases, powdery mildew, smut, rust, white rot on onion and vegetables.

Diseases that are controlled by Adler: according to the recommendations of the pesticides committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and land reclamation with registration number 3422

Crop Disease Application rate
Tomatoes Early blight 60 cm3 / 100 L water


General recommendations:

A broad spectrum fungicide against fungal diseases as smut ) loose smut – covered smut) on cereal crops (Gramineae) , rust on cereal and vegetable crops , powdery mildew on fruit crops and Gramineae , white mold on onion and vegetables, spotting diseases and early blight in tomatoes and potatoes.

Crop Disease Dosage/concentration
Tomatoes Root rot and damping off 50 cm / 100 L water

Wheat – Barley

§ Yellow, orange and black rust – leaf spot.


§ Smuts (loose smut – covered smut) – seed treatment.

200 cm / acre


12 cm3 / 100 kg of seeds

Tomato – Pepper Early blight – powdery mildew 200 cm / acre
Potatoes Early blight 60 cm / 100 L water
Legumes (broad beans – beans – peas) leaf spot – powdery mildew – white mold in beans 200 cm / acre
Peanuts White mold – leaf spot 60 cm / 100 L water
Apples – stone fruits Brown rot in fruits – powdery mildew – rust 200 cm / acre
Bananas leaf spot 200 cm / acre
Onions White mold (sclerotium cepivorum) 50 cm / 100 L water
Guava Spotting diseases 50 cm / 100 L water


PHI: 7 days

Maximum residue limits in tomato fruit (MRL): 0.9 mg / kg tomato fruits.

Appication method: Spraying the vegetative growth.

Product advantages:

Stable compound when exposed to heat and light, it does not hydrolyze in sterile pure water, and its hydrolysis to half its concentration takes more than a year in a wide range of acidity (pH 4 – 9) at a temperature of 22°C.

Mixability: It can be mixed with fertilizers and pesticides, but after reviewing all mixing and application precautions.