The perfect choice for plant nutrition

and removing environmental stress on the plant


Zinc (Zn-EDTA) 1 %
Manganese (Mn-EDTA) 1 %
Seaweed extracts + Biostimulants




AGROCEAN LAMINAVEG is a natural growth stimulator containing biostimulants and pure seaweed extracts obtained by cold extraction method, which is one of the good ways to preserve the active ingredients without changing their nature, which ensures their availability and good effect on the plant.

AGROCEAN LAMINAVEG also contains a mixture of two of the most important micronutrients (zinc – manganese) manufactured by high-quality chelating technology. The balanced content of these elements leads to the possibility of applying the product to all crops and in all different ways of application, and also leads to the plant overcoming environmental stress conditions and avoiding symptoms of deficiency of these elements.

Characteristics and features:

  • It decreases stress in plant through stimulating plant genes which are responsible for resisting stress, it is sprayed before stress occurrence to overcome problems resulting from stress.


  • It stimulates the activity of plant genes responsible for hormones secretion as auxins and cytokinins thus the plant secretes these hormones in a natural way, which increases flowering, fruit set, increased cell divisions, increased size and firmness of fruits.


  • It increases antioxidants which help in overcoming stress.


  • An effective anti-stress caused by climatic conditions such as drought, wind, different temperatures during planting times and others, as there is an immediate response from the plant after foliar spraying, as zinc and manganese are absorbed quickly and effectively and are transported inside the plant, which prevents and supports the correction of deficiency symptoms or imbalance in the absorption of zinc and manganese.


  • Zinc is considered one of the important elements in regulating the work of some enzymes, as well as auxin, which works on regulation of plant growth , also it is important for the formation and maturation of seeds and helps the formation of chloroplasts , cell elongation, and Internodes


  • Manganese is considered one of the elements associated mainly with enzyme systems involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates in plant, as well as with the vital processes of the nitrogen inside the plant.



It can be mixed with most commonly used fertilizers and pesticides and it is advisable to conduct a small experiment before mixing.

Recommendations and application rates:

It is sprayed on:

Crop Application rate
Fruits trees 100 cm / 100 L water
Vegetable crops 200 – 400  cm / acre
Field crops – cereals 200 – 400  cm / acre