Best solution for correcting Boron and molybdenum deficiency,

improving flowering, increasing fruit setting and improving fruit quality


Complex boron ( Boron ethanolamine) 7.95 %
Molybdenum ( Ammonium molybdate) 0.48%
Seaweed extracts  + Biostimulants




AGROCEAN VITALGO+ is a natural growth stimulator to improve fruit set, contains biostimulants and pure seaweed extracts obtained by cold extraction method, which is one of the good ways to preserve the active ingredients without changing their nature, which ensures their availability and good effect on the plant.

AGROCEAN VITALGO+ improves flowering and fruit set as a result of being a natural growth stimulant containing boron and molybdenum in an effective and rapidly absorbed form, as well as helps the plant to resist environmental stress conditions during important periods, especially flowering, fruit set and fruit growth.

Characteristics and features:

  • It decreases stress in plant through stimulating plant genes which are responsible for resisting stress, it is sprayed before stress occurrence to overcome problems resulting from stress.
  • It stimulates the activity of plant genes responsible for hormones secretion as auxins and cytokinins thus the plant secretes these hormones in a natural way, which increases flowering, fruit set, increased cell divisions, increased size and firmness of fruits.
  • It helps the plant to resist environmental stress conditions during important periods, especially flowering, fruit set and fruit growth as it contains boron in boron ethanolamine form and molybdenum in ammonium molybdate form thus achieves a significant increase in flowering rates, pollination, fruit set and growth, therefore high yield occurs.
  • It gives an effective control over the phenomena caused by the lack of boron in sugar beet and cruciferae plants such as hollow heart and black heart.
  • Ethanol amine has an effective role in resisting various stresses on the plant, as it is an essential component for plasma membranes of cells and the basis for formation of the amino acid serine, which is responsible for increasing the plant ability to resist diseases and activates chlorophyll formation and has an important role in the hormonal balance within the plant.
  • Molybdenum plays an important role and although the plant needs it in small quantities, it has an important role as an auxiliary factor in the reduction and assimilation of nitrogen in the plant (in nitrate fertilizers) by the enzyme nitrogenase, which is one of the steps in the synthesis of amino acids and other nitrogenous compounds, in addition, molybdenum plays a role in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.
  • Completes the balance of the elements required for the plant, also increases the utilization rate of the potassium necessary for the processes of fruit set and fruit formation, in addition to nitrogen.


It can be mixed with most commonly used fertilizers and pesticides, it is recommended to conduct a small experiment before mixing.

Recommendations and application rates:

It is sprayed on:

Crop Application rate
Fruits trees 50 – 100  cm / 100 L water
Vegetable crops 250 – 400 cm / acre
Field crops – cereals 250 – 400 cm / acre