Systemic, preventive and curative fungicides to eliminate a wide range of fungal diseases

Active ingredients:

Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% WG


Pesticide Classification: Fungicide

Trade name: Beng 75% WG

Common name: Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25%

Chemical group: Triazole + Oximinoaceta as a member of Strobilurin

Chemical composition: It is composed of two active ingredients against fungus


Tebuconazole                 +                    Trifloxystrobin

Mode of action:

Beng affects the fungi in two ways, as it destroys the cells of the plant pathogenic fungi through tebuconazole, which inhibits the synthesis of the sterol necessary for the formation of the cell walls of the fungi, and also Beng hinders the respiration in the mitochondria at cytochrome C through trifloxystrobin.

Systemic action inside the plant:

Trifloxystrobin: a semi-systemic fungicide, which is transmitted through its transformation into steam and redistributed on the plant surface where it moves with water on the plant surface, and it also moves through the two surfaces of the Leaf.

Tebuconazole: a systemic fungicide, rapidly absorbed through the vegetative system, and translocate upward inside the plant with water movement through the xylem.

Beng efficacy:

Trifloxystrobin: It is mainly preventive fungicide, which control a broad-spectrum of Deuteromycota, Ascomycetes,  Phycomycetes, and Basidiomycetes causing various plant diseases.

Tebuconazole: A preventive, curative and eradicative fungicide, which is also a broad- spectrum fungicide against fungal diseases such as (early blight, leaf spots, powdery mildew, smuts, rusts, white mold on onion and vegetables).

Diseases that are controlled by Beng: according to the recommendations of the pesticides committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and land reclamation with registration number 3490

Crop Disease Application rate
Potatoes Early blight 25 g / 100 L water


Recommendations of general usage:

A broad-spectrum fungicide against fungal diseases such as: (Powdery mildew – early and late blight – spotting on potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes, mangoes, sugar beets and other crops).

Crop Disease Application rate
Mango Powdery mildew – Flower blight (Anthracnose) 25 g / 100 L water
Grapes Powdery mildew – Fruit rot 25 g / 100 L water
Apples Powdery mildew – Scab 25 g / 100 L water
Peach – Apricot Powdery mildew – Brown rot – Rusts – Shot-hole disease 25 g / 100 L water
Cucurbits Powdery mildew – Downy mildew –Gummy stem blight 25 – 30 g /100 L water
Tomatoes – Pepper Early blight – Powdery mildew 25 – 30 g /100 L water
Onion – Garlic Purple blotch – Downy mildew – White mold – Neck rot 25 – 30 g /100 L water
Beans – Peas –Peanuts- Broad bean – Soybeans Rusts – Leaf spots – Powdery mildew –White mold 25 – 30 g /100 L water
Wheat – Barely Rusts – Leaf spots 120 g / acre


Application Precaution: Used as spray on the vegetative system.

PHI: 7 days

Maximum residue limits of Beng in potato tubers (MRL):

Pesticide mg / kg potato tubers
Trifloxystrobin 0.02
Tebuconazole 0.02


Beng advantages:

Trifloxystrobin: it cannot be washed by rain; also it is persisting for long period so it remains effective against fungal diseases for a long period after application.

Tebuconazole: a stable compound when exposed to heat and light, it does not hydrolyze in sterile pure water, and it takes more than a year to hydrolyze to half its concentration in a wide range of acidity (pH 4 – 9) at a temperature of 22 °C.


The pesticide can be mixed with fertilizers and pesticides, but after reviewing all the precautions for mixing and application, it is taken into account that it is a compound of two active ingredient, so it is not preferable to mix only with one compound at most when needed and after the study.