Brace Br

is a plant growth regulator that belongs to steroidal plant growth regulators, which are naturally found in the plant, which promote the division, elongation, differentiation of cells and their growth, and thus work on the growth and development of plants, as well as strengthen the plant’s immunity to resist and withstand diseases and various environmental stresses


Brassinolide 0.15% 

Product characteristics:

  • The product is very safe to use as it is found naturally in plants.
  • It works to activate plant growth as it activates and stimulates the division, elongation, differentiation of cells and their growth.
  • It increases the plant’s resistance to diseases and various environmental stresses such as (salinity, drought, high temperature, frost, and heavy metal poisoning).
  • It helps eliminate the harmful effects of pesticides, fertilizers and salinity with high efficiency.
  • It reduces toxicity inside the plant cell.
  • It works in concert with intracellular plant hormones such as auxins and gibberellins.
  • It improves flowering and increases fruit set and is used for this purpose in many fruit trees, the most important of which are (grapes, mangoes, and citrus fruits). It is also used in vegetable crops (cucurbits, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, strawberries) as well as field crops.
  • It reduces the abortion and loss of fruit embryos.
  • It increases the production of chlorophyll, improves and increases photosynthesis rates.
  • It improves the color in colored grape varieties by stimulating the biosynthesis of ethylene by spraying after veraison stage.
  • It reduces the fall of flowers and also reduces the fall of fruits.
  • It prolongs the shelf life of vegetables and fruits during transportation and storage.



It can be mixed with many fertilizers and pesticides, except alkaline ones, as well as copper compounds, and it is advisable to conduct a mixing experiment before use.


Recommendations & Application rates:

It is used for foliar spraying on:

1- Fruit trees: 7-10 g/100 liters of water.

2- Vegetable crops and field crops: 50 g/acre.