The best in correcting the deficiency symptoms of Calcium and Boron ,

for increasing fruit setting and improving fruit quality.


Calcium 9%
Boron 0.5 %
Molybdenum 0.004 %
In addition to seaweed extract + Cytokinins + Auxins


(Seaweed Extract + Cytokinen + Auxin)



CALMAC is a liquid product intended for the treatment and prevention of calcium, boron and molybdenum deficiency on different crops. It is important in the pollination and fruit set stage, which leads to high quality yield. It is also used to prevent the emergence of problems related to calcium in vegetable crops and fruit trees.

Characteristics and features:

– It has a major role in the formation of cell walls and treats calcium deficiency as it is an immobile element that does not move easily, which affects the processes of division, elongation of cells and the growth of apical meristems, so it works to activate meristematic tissues in the growing points as it is necessary for cell elongation and cell division.

– It is a rich fertilizer in calcium, which is an important element for plant growth and the plant needs it during the stages of flower formation, fruit set and fruit growth, as it is necessary in increasing flower tenacity, fruit set stability and fruit firmness thus, it has an important role in increasing the firmness of internal tissues and the fruit firmness, which helps in improving the specifications of fruits, tubers and bulbs and raise their storage capacity after harvest.

–  It has an effect on the movements of carbohydrates inside the plant which helps in building plant proteins and helps in many important enzymes activation inside the plant.

– Prevents the appearance of physiological diseases caused by calcium deficiency, such as blossom end rot in tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon, zucchini, cucumbers and mangoes, bitter pits in apples, brown spots inside mango fruits, black heart in celery, burning edges of leaves in lettuce, cabbage and cauliflower, cavity spot in carrots, lack of fullness of peanut pods, brown heart disease inside seeds, black dots in potato tubers, beets, resistance of fruit and strawberries to fruit rot also increases the ability of the plant to resist fungal diseases.

– It treats the symptoms of calcium deficiency, as it is used for the prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency in all field crops, vegetable crops and fruit trees, such as (dryness of the growing points of branches and roots, the appearance of Necrotic spots on leaves and fruits, poor growth and death of roots).

– It plays a vital role in increasing plant resistance to salinity stress. It also plays an important role in the tolerance of plants to adverse weather conditions such as high temperature, frost, as well as sudden exposure to drought or lack of water in the soil.

– The existence of boron plays an important role in the growth of pollen grains on stigmas, the success of pollination and fertilization process, fruit set completeness and it enhances the fruit size and shape.

– The existence of boron helps in calcium absorption which makes it more available also boron is a primary element in building calcium inside the cells.

– The existence of molybdenum is important for nitrates reduction and accelerates the synthesis of amides, amino acids and proteins.


It can be mixed with most commonly used products, except copper and sulfur compounds or their derivatives.

It is recommended to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Application rates:

Crop Application rate
Fruits (apples – grapes – mangoes – …etc.) 100 – 150 cm / 100 L water
Vegetable crops (tomatoes – peppers – potatoes – strawberries – …etc.) 500 cm / acre
Field crops – cereals – peanuts 500 cm / acre