quality seaweed extract, fully soluble (The best for plant nutrition)


Alginic Acid 70%
Potassium (K2O)

Source (potassium alginate)

Amino acids 2%
Cytokinin and gibberellins 600 PPM
Mannitol 3%



Donex is a seaweed extract from (Ascophyllum Nodosum) in the form of a fine, completely soluble powder containing amino acids , minerals and plant hormones these natural and biologically active nutrients can perform multiple benefits to enhance the quality and strength of the plant which play an important role in cells division and biosynthesis of carbohydrates, protein, and chlorophyll. In addition, those plant growth regulators will have a significant positive effect on resistance to stress, pests and diseases.

Characteristics and features of Donex:

  • It works on increasing the vegetative growth and strengthening the plant immunity system thus increasing the plant ability to resist diseases and environmental stress conditions such as thirst, salinity, high temperatures and frost.
  • Increase the efficiency of photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis, which activates the vegetative growth of the plant.
  • It works to form a strong root system for the plant, so it is used in nurseries to accelerate the production of seedling roots and increase their vegetative branching.
  • Using seaweed extracts reduces incidence of nematode diseases by stimulating the formation of formaldehyde in plants in a natural way.
  • Helps the plant to absorb the phytonutrients present in the soil.
  • Increases the percentage of sugars inside the fruits and improves their specifications.
  • Activates the work of biotic organisms inside the soil.


It can be mixed with most commonly used fertilizers and pesticides and it is advisable to conduct an experiment before mixing.

Application rates:

Donex is used for all kinds of crops including vegetable crops, field crops, and fruit trees

  • Foliar spraying at the rate of (25 – 50 g / 100 L water).
  • Soil fertilization through different irrigation systems at a rate of 500 g / acre.