Specialized in increasing fruit setting and sizing.


6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BA) 2%
Gibberellic acid (GA3) 2%



TECHNO EXTRA is a mixture between two plant growth regulators:

Cytokinin (6-Benzyl amino purine):

which stimulates cell division and development, increases the size of fruits, stimulates germination, delays the aging phase and preserves chlorophyll in the leaves, so it can be used on leafy crops such as parsley, lettuce, spinach and others, making them green for as long as possible, and it regulates the transport of nutrients in the plant and helps to fruit set.

Gibberellic acid (GA3): It is a growth stimulant and promotes flowering, fruiting and early fruit set, and it also works to increase the vegetative growth without causing any type of stress to the plant, as it is used for sizing.

Characteristics and advantages:

  • It helps in the sizing process as a result of cell division and elongation.
  • It increases fruit set.
  • It helps in early ripening.
  • It increases the plant’s ability to produce large quantities of a crop with high export qualities.
  • It increases plant vitality thus increasing plant resistance to inappropriate conditions.

Mixability: Can be mixed with many fertilizers and pesticides except the alkaline ones and it is recommended to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Application rates:

Vegetables 75 cm /acre added to 200 – 400 L of water( according to plant age)
Fruit trees 100 cm / 600 L of water

Important note:

–  Please apply with the rates shown to avoid adverse results.

– TECHNO EXTRA should not be used on guava trees because it contains cytokinins.