No.1 in increasing fruit setting and sizing.
Forchlorfenuron 1% CPPU


SUPER FENERON is an effective plant growth regulator that is used to stabilize the flowers, increase fruit set, increase the size of the fruits and increase their weight, as it acts as a stimulator for cells division and storage of nutrients in them, which leads to an increase in the size and number of new cells in the tissues of the fruit, as well as an increase in the thickness of fruit pedicle, which works to reduce fruits fall.

Mode of action for SUPER FENERON

SUPER FENERON works to stabilize and increase fruit setting and increase the size of the fruits, on three directions which are:

  1. Increase the thickness and length of the fruit pedicle, which leads to fruit set and reduce fruit falling.
  2.  Increase the ability of fruits to attract the nutrients, which leads to increase fruit set.
  3.  It works on cell division and nutrients storage in them (increase the number and size of new cells in the tissues of the fruit), which leads to an increase in the size and weight of the fruits.

Advantages of SUPER FENERON

1- Increasing the thickness and length of the fruit pedicle, which leads to a significant increase in fruit set and thus reduces the rate of fruit falling, in addition to increasing the ability of the fruits to attract nutrients, which increases the percentage of fruit set.

2-Spraying SUPER FENERON has an essential role in fruit growth after early fruit set, as it was observed that the cytokinin content decreased in the early fruit set, and spraying with SUPER FENERON compensates for this deficiency of cytokinin.

3- Increasing the weight and size of the fruits as a result of increasing the number and size of new cells in fruit tissues and thus increasing the yield.

4- Increasing the hardness of the fruits, which increases their storage life and the length of their validity period through the various marketing channels and bears the periods of transportation, especially in the case of export.

Precautions when spraying SUPER FENERON

  • The need to ensure the integrity and strength of the root system and that it is free from fungal diseases and nematodes.
  • The need to take into account soil moisture before spraying and avoid spraying during high temperatures, thirst and unsuitable weather conditions.
  • The spray solution should cover all the flowers in the tree (to prevent competition from attracting nutrients).
  • Increasing nitrogenous and potassium fertilization by at least 30 to 40%, in order to increase the supply of carbohydrates for fruits and protect trees from stress.
  • The spraying of calcium, boron, and magnesium compounds should be taken into account before spraying SUPER FENERON in order to strengthen the cell walls and maintain the integrity of the membranes, which leads to an increase in the hardness of the fruits.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to spraying the microelements before treatment with SUPER FENERON, and especially to pay attention to the iron element by fertilizing the soil at the beginning of the season.


It accepts mixing with most fertilizers and pesticides, except for the alkaline ones. It is advised to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Recommendations and application rates:

Crop Application rate / 100 liter of water Application time / number of spraying
Pear – Apple 50 g At the peak of flowering at 80-100% or at the beginning of the fruit set only once
Mango 25 g After completing the fruit set (about the size of a chickpea) in order to increase the fruit set and size and strengthen the pedicle of the fruits
Apricot 25 g Two treatments: the first at 40% flowering and the second at 80% flowering
Plum 25 g Only one treatment at the full bloom stage and not repeat again.
Watermelon 25 g Two treatments: the first at 50% flowering, the second , after the completion of the fruit set.
Tomato 50 g Only one treatment in the middle of flowering at a rate of 200 L of water / acre


Very Important note: Don’t use SUPER FENERON on guava trees because it contains cytokinins.