Strength of High quality amino acids.


Free amino acids 11 %
Fulvic Acid 4 %
Micronutrients 2%





GRNTD is a foliar nutrient containing free amino acids, fulvic acid and a mixture of micronutrients chelated on amino acids for use as a foliar spray, which achieves rapid access to cover all the needs of plants from amino acids, organic and micronutrients, thereby achieving balanced growth and a yield of high quantity and quality

Characteristics and features:

  • GRNTD gives the plant a complete set of organic and amino acids and micronutrients that help it during its life cycle.
  • GRNTD increases the size of recent growths in deciduous trees and is also used during growth cycles in perennial trees
  • GRNTD is also characterized by its richness of essential amino acids which play an important role in maximizing plant efficiency throughout the initiation and completion stages of various vital processes.
  • GRNTD has an effective role in the stages when the plant suffers from adverse effects harmful to plants such as drought, high heat, cold, and salinity.
  • GRNTD increases the resistance of plants to diseases, in case of burning leaves as a result of the wrong use of pesticides, and others.


  • It can be mixed with insecticides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers.
  • It cannot be mixed with sulfur or copper products or their derivatives.
  • It cannot be mixed with mineral oils or with substances with an alkaline reaction.
  • It is recommended to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Application rates:

Crop Application rate Application timing
Fruit trees 150 – 200 cm / 100 L water From 2 – 4 treatments before flowering stage and after fruit set and during fruit growth period.
Field crops

(Rice – wheat)

400 – 500 cm / acre Beginning of season – Middle of season – beginning of heading stage.
Vegetables – Tuber crops (potatoes) 150 – 200 cm / 100 L water

( Minimum of 500 cm / acre)

Three times through the season with 10-15 days between every treatment.