
is a plant growth regulator (auxin) with a physiological effect in enhancing plant growth, flowering, increasing the fruit set, improving fruit quality, extending storage capacity for date fruits (delayed ripening) especially Barhi dates and overcoming environmental conditions such as high cold and frost.


Naphthalene acetic acid


Characteristics and advantages of Karius:

  1. It is used generally on all fruit trees and specifically on apple as a stimulator and stabilizer for flowering and increasing fruit set and reduces the process of natural falling of flowers, fruits and pre-harvest falling, as well as reduces floral proliferation in mangoes.
  2. It is used during flowering stage, as well as in high cold and frost resistance, as it reduces the effect of weather factors.
  3. It works on increasing root growth (adventitious roots) and giving strong root system.
  4. It is used in increasing the vegetative parts by using cuttings, as it activates the formation of adventitious roots.
  5. Extending storage capacity for date fruits (delayed ripening) especially barhi dates as it is used in transformation phase from dark green to light green color (pre coloring phase).

General notes during usage:

  • All plant parts should be covered with the spray solution.
  • Do not spray during high temperature.
  • Do not spray on plants suffering from thirst or nutrients deficiency.
  • Do not exceed the prescribed application rates.


  • Can be mixed with all insecticides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers (It is preferable to conduct an experiment for mixing before use.
  • Mixing with copper products is not recommended.

Recommendations and application rate:


Application rate

Application time



For increasing the fruit set and flowering

35 cm / 600 L water

For increasing fruit set and flowering:

It is used at the beginning of flowering and the spray is repeated after 10 – 15 days from first treatment.

Fruit trees

(Apple – pear-apricot-plum)

For increasing the fruit set

35 cm / 600 L water

First treatment: with the beginning of flowering.

Second treatment: before falling flower petals, time between the two treatments shouldn’t be less than 10 –15 days.


To reduce the phenomenon of natural fruit falling

35 cm / 600 L water

21 days before harvest.


For increasing the fruit set

35 cm / 600 L water

First treatment: with the beginning of flowering

Second treatment: before falling flower petals


To decrease the phenomenon of inflorescence malformation

50 cm / 600 L water

With the appearance of inflorescence

100 – 150 cm / 600 L of water

In November, after finishing the harvest.

Field crops (Broad beans) For increasing the fruit set

35 cm / 600 L water

First treatment: the onset of flowering. Second treatment: after 10 days from first application.

Date palm (Barhi)

To delay ripening and prolong the storage capacity

(50 PPM)

100 cm / 100 L water

Transformation phase from dark green to light green color (pre coloring phase)