Best solution for increasing flowering and fruit setting


P 10% B 0.5%
K 8% Cu 0.2%
Zn 1.5% Mo 0.5%
In addition to (Naphthoxyacetic acid – Naphthaleneacetamide –Naphthaleneacetic acid – free amino acids – vitamins)





King Flower Total Agro is a specialized fertilizer that has been specially developed to improve flowering and fruit set. It contains a group of important macro and micronutrients. It also contains free amino acids, vitamins, and auxins, which make it effective in improving flowering and fruit set. It also helps the plant to resist environmental stress conditions during important periods, especially flowering, fruit set, and fruit growth.

Characteristics and advantages:

  • It contains an integrated set of important elements for improving and pushing the plant to flowering and fruit set.
  • It helps the plant to resist environmental stress conditions during important periods, especially flowering, fruit set, and fruit growth, due to the fact that it contains free amino acids, vitamins, and auxins in addition to the rest of the elements, and thus achieves a significant increase in the rates of flowering, pollination, fruit set, and fruit growth, and thus a significant increase in yield.
  • It contains active phosphorus and acts as an essential element for flowering and an additional source of potassium during the early stages of fruit growth.
  • An ideal solution to obtain the best flowering, pollen fertility, flower fertilization, fruit set and development of fruit growth.
  • It contains molybdenum, which is important in regulating the reduction of nitrates and not accumulating them inside the plant, and also helps in fixing atmospheric nitrogen.


It can be mixed with most commonly used fertilizers and pesticides. It is recommended to conduct a small experiment before mixing.

Recommendations and application rates:

King Flower Total Agro is used as a spray on all types of vegetables and fruits at a rate of 500 cm / 600 L of water.