Maxi tablet

  • Gibberellic acid is a natural hormone regulating the growth of plants and stimulating their growth. it is found in a natural form in most plants known to us and is used in many crops, including Thompson Seedless grapes, citrus, artichokes, pears and others.
  • Maxi tablet: is available in the form of tablets weighing 10 g, one tablet contains 1 g of the active ingredient (gibberellic)
  • Maxi tablet: manufactured in tablet form, that can be divided into 4 equal parts with the required concentration, which makes it easier for the farmer to prepare the spray solution easily.


Gibberellic acid


The use of Maxi tablet on Thompson Seedless grapes achieves the following benefits depending on the timing of spraying:

  1. Cluster elongation: spraying the clusters with the solution leads to cluster elongation, allowing finding a larger space in which the grape berries grow free from crowding and reduces the exposure of the cluster to mold diseases or being affected by them.
  1. Cluster thinning: spraying the clusters with the solution leads to cluster thinning by spraying at the flowering stage when 50% of the flower petals fall off.
  1. Increase the size of grape berries: spraying clusters with the solution increases the size of the berries and their weight, and therefore the size of the cluster, which leads to an increase in the total yield, spraying is carried out during the fruit set phase and when berries reach a diameter of 0.5 cm.

Concentrations used in Thompson Seedless:

Required concentration in PPM

Number of tablets to prepare 100 L of solution


1 tablet


1.5 tablets


2  tablets


2.5 tablets

Mixability: Can be mixed with many pesticides except alkaline solutions.

Recommendations and application rate:



Application time

Application rate (ppm)

Number of tablets per 100 L water

Thompson seedless

Cluster elongation

When the cluster reaches 10 cm



Cluster thinning

In flowering stage and when flower petals fall by 50%




In the case of homogeneous clusters, spray once during the fruit set stage and when the size of berries reaches approximately 0.5 cm

25 – 40

2.5 – 4

In case of heterogeneity of clusters, spray twice, the first, when the cluster reaches the fruit set stage, and the second after 15-10 days

20 – 40

2 – 4


(Navel orange)

Improve the qualities of the pericarp, delay ripening, overcome the phenomenon of steaming, resist fruit rot,  increase tolerance and reduce the percentage of fruit falling

When the fruit emerges and  the falling flower petals percentage reaches 50 – 60% (light spray)



Beginning of fruit set (light spray)

10 – 15

1 – 1.5


Increasing the fruit set and decreasing the number of seeds

When the falling flower petals percentage reaches 50 – 60%

10 – 15

1 – 1.5

Beginning of fruit set (light spray)


Delaying fruit coloration with yellow color and prolonging the life of fruits are green in color

When the fruit reaches green color stage with full size




Increase the fruit set especially in ”le conte” and improving fruit qualities

When flowering reaches 70% (light spray)

20 – 30

2 – 3


Early maturity

When plant forms 5 – 10 leaves, repeat spraying 2 – 3 times.

20 – 30

2 – 3

Increase yield

When first floral head is formed, spraying is repeated every 3 weeks until the completion of crop harvesting

20 – 30

2 – 3


Early maturity

After two months of planting, there are 3 sprays between each spray and the other 15 days, and the first begins after fruiting

1st: 20

2nd : 30

3rd: 20





Increase finger size

When cluster age is from 30 – 40 days and repeats again after 7 –14 days




Prolonging the fruiting period and improving the fruit qualities

Spraying after harvest with repeated spraying every 2 – 3 weeks




Promote flowering and fruit set in tomatoes infected with leaf roll virus

Spraying when the viral infection appears and repeat spraying if necessary



Important notes when preparing the spray solution:

The required amount of tablets is dissolved in a little water, usually it takes 3 – 5 minutes to dissolve, and the prepared amount is added to the required amount of water, and the following shall be observed:

  • It is recommended to use the prepared spray solution within 24 – 48 hours.
  • Strong rainfall within 8 hours after spraying may weaken the effectiveness and in such cases spraying should be repeated.