Strength of organic acids with micronutrients for plant nutrition.


Fulvic Acid 20 %
Micronutrients 5 %





Minx is a foliar nutrient containing organic acids (fulvic acid) and a mixture of micronutrients chelated on EDTA for use as a  foliar spray, which achieves rapid access to cover all the needs of plants from organic acids and micronutrients, thereby achieving balanced growth and a yield of high quantity and quality.

Characteristics and features:

  • MINX gives the plant a complete set of important micronutrients and organic extracts which helps the plant in its life cycle.
  • MINX increases the vegetative growth, strengthen the root system and complete various vital processes.
  • MINX stimulates the plant to rapid growth and increase yield.
  • MINX has an effective role at the stages when the plant suffers from adverse effects harmful to plants such as drought, high heat, cold, and salinity.


It can be mixed with most commonly used fertilizers and pesticides and it is advisable to conduct a mixing experiment before use.

Application rates:

Crop Application rate Application timing
Fruit trees 100 – 150  cm / 100 L water From 2 – 4 treatments before flowering stage and after fruit set and during fruit growth period.
Field crops

(Rice – wheat)

500 cm / acre Beginning of season – Middle of season – beginning of heading stage.
Vegetables 150 – 200 cm / 100 L water

( Minimum of 500 cm /acre)

Three times through the season with 10 – 15 days between every treatment.