Systemic insecticide to eliminate sucking insects.

:Active ingredient

Imidaclorpid 35% SC


Chemical group:  Neonicotinoid


Systemic insecticide which has a wide range of effectiveness against many types of insects and it is used on many field crops, vegetables and fruits.

Mode of action:

  • PRIMOR is an insecticide which has superior systemic effectiveness thus achieves ideal distribution inside the treated leaves also it works by contact and has a stomach action.
  • PRIMOR destroys sucking insects which feed on inner leaf sap from both upper and lower surfaces so the damage stops and the insects die.
  • PRIMOR interferes with the way nerve connections work by affecting the acetylcholine receptor, blocking the reception and transmission of nerve signals, which leads to disruption of the nervous system and thus the rapid death of treated insects .


  • PRIMOR is an effective specialized insecticide for controlling many types of sucking insects.
  • PRIMOR is rapidly absorbed and transported inside the plant tissues, as it is long-acting and highly efficient.
  • PRIMOR is not affected by temperature and humidity and is not washed by rain.
  • PRIMOR is compatible with integrated control programs.
  • PRIMOR has an effective impact on insects that have acquired resistance from other compounds and is also used to obtain a crop free of viral diseases.

Pre-harvest interval (PHI):  5 – 21 days according to crop type.


It can be mixed with most different pesticides and fertilizers, and it is preferable to make a mixing experiment before use.

Application rates:

Crop Pest Application rate
Mango and citrus Thrips – jassid – leaf miner – mealy bug – scale insects – aphids 40 – 50 cm3 / 100 L water
Grapes – Apple – Plum mealy bug – scale insects – aphids 50 cm3 / 100 L water
Peach – Apricot Aphids – jassid – scale insects 40 – 50 cm3 / 100 L water
Cucurbits Aphids – white fly –thrips 30 – 40 cm3 / 100 L water
Onions Thrips and onion fly 250 cm3 / acre
Broad beans – tomatoes – potatoes – cotton Aphids – thrips – leaf miner – white fly – jassid 40 – 50 cm3 / 100 L water
Palm Red palm weevil

scale insects

20 – 30 cm3 / palm

50 cm3 / 100 L water

Sugar beet Beet fly 250 cm3 / acre

 Other recommendations:

  • PRIMOR is used by the addition method in a solution for watering trays in vegetable nurseries at the rate of 0.5 – 1 cm3 /1 L water / tray.
  • Treatment of ground nurseries after scattering the seeds in the nursery and covering them, the pesticide solution is added diluted with water at the rate of 20 cm3 / 20 m2 from the nursery floor.
  • Soak the seedlings before planting in the pesticide solution at the rate of 15 cm3 / 1 L of water for 10 minutes and then transfer to the sustainable soil.
  • PRIMOR is used by the method of ground injection treatment in drip irrigation devices at a rate of 500 – 750 cm / acre, where it is absorbed by the roots and moves with the sap to the rest of the vegetative parts of the plant.