A fast-acting pyrethroid insecticide that works by contact and

has a stomach action to eliminate a wide range of insects

:Active ingredient

Lambda Cyhalothrin 10% EC



SUPER CARPEE is a fast-acting pyrethroid insecticide in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate that works by contact and has a stomach action to eliminate a wide spectrum of insects.

Mode of action:

SUPER CARPEE affects the nerve receptors, where it works to inhibit and stop nerve signals, which leads to paralysis, then stop feeding and then death, and it is also repellent, stun and fast, affecting the crawling and flying phases at once.


  • SUPER CARPEE has a vital effect on all sucking and chewing insects and many leaf and fruit worms that attack various crops and eliminate all harmful insects’ phases.
  • It is characterized by its high penetration rates to insects that have acquired resistance against other pesticides.
  • It is a pesticide with a low residual effect, which reduces the pre-harvest interval, therefore it is recommended to use it with export crops

Pre-harvest interval (PHI):  3 – 7 days according to crop type.


It can be mixed with most different pesticides and fertilizers, and it is preferable to make a mixing experiment before use.

Application rates:

Crops Pests Application rate
Evergreen fruit trees

(Mango and citrus)

Jassid – thrips – aphids – fruit fly – citrus flower moth – leaf miner – mealy bug – scale insects 40 – 50  cm / 100 L water
Deciduous fruit trees

(Grapes – Apple – Peach –…..etc)

Jassid – thrips – aphids – fruit fly – grape berry moth – mealy bug – scale insects – stem borer – peach fruit fly 40 – 50  cm / 100 L water
Vegetables (tomatoes

– Potatoes – Strawberry – cucurbits,… etc.)

Jassid – thrips – aphids – white fly – cotton leafworm – potato tuber moth – and Tomato fruit worms 40 – 50  cm / 100 L water
Field crops (sugar beet – soy beans – wheat – corn – cotton – rice) Cotton leafworm – bollworm – aphids – white fly – beet fly – corn borer 40 – 50  cm / 100 L water