The perfect solution to improve soil properties and increase the absorption.


Potassium humate 84%
Potassium (K2O) 10%





It is the optimal solution to enhance soil specifications and increase nutrients absorption


SUPERA ULTRA is a new extract from active leonardite which is manufactured by a new technology that has the properties of complete solubility in water in a wide range of pH with low molecular weight so that it carries a functionally active carboxyl group, which strengthens the chelation of compounds and facilitates absorption of fertilizers and mineral nutrients by the plant.

Characteristics and features:

  • It is pure and free from impurities, characterized by excellent solubility, and the size of the particles is very suitable to be mixed with all fertilizers, which increase their effectiveness when used.
  • It contains high concentration of humic acid (in the form of potassium humate 84%).
  • It increases the efficiency of organic potassium and treats potassium deficiency to some extent.
  • When mixing the macronutrients (NPK) and the micronutrients in SUPERA ULTRA solution, the micronutrients are chelated, the absorption of fertilizer elements in plant leaves improves and their effectiveness increases, the average yield increase, and the crop quality improves greatly.
  • In SUPERA ULTRA, organic carbon is found in small molecules which increases the vital activity of the plant and makes it compatible with other products.
  • SUPERA ULTRA increases the plant capacity for cation exchange thus increases soil ability to retain water and fertilizer elements.
  • SUPERA ULTRA accelerates the formation of pigments necessary for metabolism, which increases the chlorophyll content of the leaves, thus activating metabolism and increasing its rate.
  • SUPERA ULTRA activates the biological enzymatic system of the plant, as the carboxyl group can activate enzymes and accelerate their reaction, activating metabolism, thus improving the biological activity of the plant, accelerating plant growth.


It can be mixed with most commonly used fertilizers and pesticides.

Application rates:

SUPERA ULTRA is used in soil fertilization for all kinds of crops; vegetable crops, field crops and fruit trees through different irrigation systems.

For Soil fertilization from 1 – 2 kg / acre and repeated as needed.